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Quang Tri pushes for upgrading of Highway 15D project

The upgrade of sections of National Highway 15D is of utmost importance due to its potential to significantly reduce travel distance and transportation expenses for those traveling from La Lay International Border Gate to My Thuy Beach, particularly when passing through A Ngo Commune, Dakrong District.

Quang Tri pushes for upgrading of Highway 15D project

There is an urgent need to expedite the construction and improvement of National Highway 15D. Photo: T.L

Presently, the route necessitates a journey along the Ho Chi Minh Highway West branch, followed by Highway 9, Highway 1, and finally reaching the coastline, totaling 162 km. However, once National Highway 15D is upgraded according to its design, this lengthy journey can be curtailed by a substantial 70 km, resulting in a much shorter 92 km route. This underscores the pressing need for the prompt and comprehensive construction of National Highway 15D.

Director of the Quang Tri’s Department of Transport Tran Huu Hung emphasized the pivotal role of National Highway 15D, not only within Quang Tri Province but across the entire Central region.

The planned length of this route, spanning from My Thuy Beach to La Lay International Border Gate, is approximately 70 km, excluding the segment that currently overlaps with the Ho Chi Minh Highway West branch.

Significant investments have been made in two road sections that are already operational, catering to socio-economic development. These include a 14 km stretch from My Thuy Beach to National Highway 1 and a 12 km segment from the Ho Chi Minh Road in A Ngo Commune, Dakrong District, to La Lay International Border Gate.

Additionally, there are two new segments slated for construction. The first extends from National Highway 1 to the Cam Lo - La Son Expressway, spanning 8 km, while the second connects this highway to the Ho Chi Minh Highway West branch, covering a distance of 34 km.

In response to recommendations from the transport department, as well as Quang Tri’s request, the Ministry of Transport has forwarded an official communication to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for consideration. This will be subsequently submitted to the Prime Minister for approval of the upgrading and renovation project for national highways connecting with Laos, with loans secured from the World Bank.

This project, which includes National Highway 15D, encompasses the section from National Highway 1 to the Cam Lo - La Son Expressway and the section from the Ho Chi Minh Highway to La Lay International Border Gate. The total investment amounts to VND1.38 trillion (US$57 million), with an implementation period of five years commencing upon the effectiveness of the funding agreement, scheduled between 2024 and 2028.

Regarding the new construction of the National Highway 15D section from the Cam Lo - La Son Expressway to the Ho Chi Minh Highway West Branch, the Ministry of Transport has granted approval. The Provincial People’s Committee has proposed the investment utilizing the PPP method and would assume responsibility as the competent implementing agency.

The current state of National Highway 15D, particularly the segment from the Ho Chi Minh Highway to La Lay International Border Gate, is characterized by its narrowness, steep slopes, numerous sharp bends, limited visibility, and susceptibility to subsidence during the rainy season. These challenges significantly impede the flow of traffic on this route.

As a result, there is an urgent need to expedite the construction and improvement of National Highway 15D, with a primary focus on the sections between National Highway 1 and the Cam Lo - La Son Expressway, as well as the route from the Ho Chi Minh Highway to La Lay International Border Gate.

Tran Huu Bao, a container truck driver from Dong Ha City responsible for transporting goods to La Lay International Border Gate, highlights the deteriorating and perilous condition of the road. Moreover, the increasing volume of vehicles and cargo passing through exacerbates the situation. The timely upgrade, expansion, and completion of National Highway 15D would undeniably serve as a significant catalyst for the socio-economic development of the entire region.

According to official statistics, at La Lay International Border Gate, the period from 2011 to 2020 witnessed an impressive annual growth rate of 19% in import and export turnover. The influx and egress of vehicles from the country are substantial, consistently surpassing an average of 40,000 from the period, with current figures exceeding 50,000 per year.

Hung underscores the strategic significance of National Highway 15D in terms of socio-economic development and ensuring regional and national defense and security. This highway acts as a vital transportation link connecting Quang Tri with Salavan Province in Laos and Ubon Ratchanthani in Thailand. It forms the shortest Para-East-West Economic Corridor, parallel to the East-West Economic Corridor, thereby fostering comprehensive development across the region.

Investing in and constructing the upgraded National Highway 15D to establish the shortest route from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, traversing Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and reaching My Thuy Sea, is an imperative requirement.

The journey from Dong Ha City to La Lay International Border Gate to Salavan can be reduced to just 5-6 hours, effectively halving the travel time compared to National Highway 9 via Lao Bao International Border Gate.

This reduction in distance and travel time will facilitate increased business, exchanges, and cooperation between the people of Quang Tri and the southern provinces of Laos and Thailand.

The connection of National Highway 15D with the La Lay International Border Gate area and the Southeast Quang Tri Economic Zone will stimulate interaction and active support for numerous other economic regions within the province.

Consequently, the province will enjoy more favorable conditions to harness its potential and strengths for sustainable development. This strategic route will promote trade exchanges and international collaboration, generate growth, attract investments, and meet the economic development requirements of the province during its period of industrialization, modernization, and international integration.

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