Update:  GMT+7

Thai investors keen to set up operation in Quang Tri

It has increasingly become more important for Quang Tri Province to seek further cooperation with Thai partners, develop a regional supply chain, and take the best advantage of the East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC).

Vietnam's central coastal province is now home to seven Thai-finance projects with total capital of US$109 million.

Two of those are under construction, including the Shaiyo AA Quang Tri Wood Chip and Forestry Processing Plant set up in the Quang Tri Industrial Park. Five operational projects include the Super Horse Energy Drink Plant, the Camel Rubber and Tyre Plant, the Forestry and Woodchip Processing Plant, and a shrimp farm run by C.P. Vietnam JSC in Hai Lang District's Hai Ba and Hai An communes.

Thai investors keen to set up operation in Quang Tri

Thai businesses showcase their products to Vietnamese companies, including those from Quang Tri Province. Photo: Tran Tuyen

Closed animal feed producer C.P. Vietnam JSC has operated in the country for 30 years. The company now has 91 offices and branches nationwide. C.P. Vietnam has been present in Quang Tri for more than 10 years. The company adopts the CPF-Combine model for its shrimp farm. The model enables easy design and cost-efficient farm construction, provides safe and non-medicine raising conditions for shrimps, and minimizes environmental impacts, thus increasing productivity and efficiency.

Adisak Torsakul, Deputy General Director of C.P. Vietnam, said that the company had upgraded the technology and method for shrimp farming. The shrimp are shipped from the Quang Tri facility to the Thua Thien Hue-based processing plant before exporting.

C.P. Vietnam also encourages the people of Quang Tri and neighboring provinces to raise pigs and chickens and expands its poultry farms to better cooperate with local people, Adisak said.

He credited the authorities of Quang Tri Province for their assistance that has facilitated the company's operations since the very first days. As the eastern province in Vietnam and the terminal of the EWEC, Quang Tri has invested in the development of transport infrastructures, especially highways, airports, and seaports.

Infrastructures are defined as the major boost for the province to explore the best of the EWEC. The province has developed the multi-sectoral coastal Southeast Economic Zone, which covers a total area of nearly 23,800 hectares.

The province's Lao Bao Economic and Trade Zone, with an area of 15,800 hectares, is seen key terminal to the other countries across the border with well-developed infrastructures. Lao Bao Economic and Trade Zone, alongside the Densavan Border Trade Zone of Laos' Savannakhet Province, makes a profound base for the province to develop a Vietnam-Laos Joint Economic and Trade Zone.

Quang Tri also located five completely-constructed industrial parks spanning more than 1,700 hectares in total. These industrial parks are considered suitable destinations for domestic and foreign investors, especially those from Thailand.

Meanwhile, provincial authorities are progressing soon to inaugurate the construction of My Thuy Deepwater Port, the Quang Tri Airport, the coastal road connected to the EWEC, and Route 15D connecting My Thuy Port to La Lay International Border Gate. The rapid investment and development of transport and industrial facilities are expected to assist Quang Tri in attracting investment and tourism from Thailand.

The Governor of Mukdahan, Vorayan Bunarat, said that many companies in the two provinces have cooperated in doing business in Quang Tri Province, especially the US$15-million Camel Rubber and Tyre Plant at Lao Bao Trade and Economic Zone.

He said Mukdahan would keep encouraging Thai companies to come and invest in Quang Tri to foster the province-to-province partnership, he said.

According to the Quang Tri Young Entrepreneur Association's president Pham Truong Son, more than 40 local businesses have partnered with the Thai in trading cars and auto parts, electronic home appliances, cosmetics, food and beverage products, and apparel and footwear materials. In return, Thai companies are highly interested in Quang Tri's green energy, renewable energy, high-tech agriculture, and logistics sectors. Some high-value-added exports, such as coffee and pepper, are favorites in the Thai market.

Kuk Khai, representing Thailand-based agricultural producers and processors, highly valued Quang Tri for the large-scale raw material plantation.

“Thai businesses will explore such advantage and adopt our advanced technologies to further develop local brands,” she said.

Addressing Quang Tri's strengths, the Thai Ambassador to Vietnam, Nikorndej Balankura, said that the “Meet Thailand” conference, held last weekend, is a chance for Thailand-original companies to acquire the necessary information about Quang Tri, such as geographical traits.

"Hopefully, in the near future, many more Thai investors will bolster their relations with Vietnamese businesses in Quang Tri regarding the development of supply chains and renewable energies, as well as other industries."

Thanh Truc - Huy Anh

Thanh Truc - Huy Anh

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