Update:  GMT+7

Firefighting beyond the borders

All members of the Quang Tri Public Security’s Department of Police for Fire Prevention and Rescue do not hesitate to take their mission in the neighboring country of Laos each time they are assigned to support their friends on the other side of the border. For them, supporting the people of Laos is one of their major tasks.

Firefighting beyond the borders

Firefighting rehearsal helps Quang Tri’s firefighting team work better in domestic and international missions. Photo: T.L

Help others is an honorable deed

Lieutenant Colonel Le Van Hoang, the department’s chief, never permits himself or his colleagues to act irrationally in the face of a fire despite having 33 years of experience. More than anyone else, he is aware that every fire, if saved, will save lives and protect their belongings. The fact that people place all of their faith in firefighters during the riskiest and most challenging circumstances.

Hoang and the other team members are unable to recall every firefighting incident they have been involved in. They put out 35 fires in the first nine months of 2023 by themselves. Given the unit’s paucity of facilities, equipment, and people resources, this endeavor is much more recognized and appreciated. Since many years ago, they have always had to put in twice as much effort as usual, considering difficulty and risk to be commonplace aspects of their job.

They still volunteer to carry out “international missions” despite having a heavy workload. They frequently rushed from Quang Tri to the Laotian provinces of Savannakhet and Salavan to put out flames. “Our advantage is that we have a firefighting squad with about 20 officers and 3 fire vehicles stationed in Lao Bao Town, Huong Hoa District, Quang Tri. As a result, when we learned there were fires near the border, we took action right away. Depending on the type of fire, we may mobilize extra resources, such as trucks and equipment from Dong Ha City and other localities for more assistance to neighboring people,” Mr. Hoang shared.

In fact, combating flames in Laos presents significant difficulties for firefighters as most of the cases are huge flames that put many lives and property in danger. The majority of Quang Tri firefighters, meanwhile, are unfamiliar with the geography and water sources in Laos, in addition to language barriers. It will be impossible for them to fulfill their jobs if they do not work with the spirit of “helping others like helping themselves.”

Firefighting beyond the borders

Major Doan Thanh Tu, Vice Head of the Dong Ha Fire Prevention and Rescue Team, and his colleagues. Photo: T.L

“Cross-border” missions

Lao leaders typically request assistance from the Quang Tri police if a large fire breaks out. People did, however, occasionally immediately contact the Police Department because they were so concerned. Firefighters must act swiftly and flexibly each time this occurs. Such a case is the fire event at the Ka Ron market in the Se Pon district of Savannakhet province.

Many firefighters recall the fear they felt while they were getting closer to the fire. A fire started during the night in the Karon market and quickly expanded to 4,500 square meters. With a tremendous explosion to match, the fire shot up to several stories high, terrifying everyone.

In the event that the fire is not put out quickly, homes close to the market and its surroundings may be in danger. The soldiers did not take a single minute off. They turned their vehicle back to Vietnam to get water when they discovered that there was no firefighting water tank in Karon market or the surrounding area. They were able to contain the enormous fire and stop it from spreading to nearby shops because of their teamwork and adaptability in addressing similar circumstances.

In certain instances, Lao units and enterprises were spared property damage worth tens or even hundreds of billions of dong thanks to the prompt assistance. The fire at the Se Pon Rubber Processing Factory in Seman Village, Se Pon District of Savannakhet Province is an example.

By the time the force arrived, the fire had grown to around 200 square meters. The facility was filled with hazardous fumes and smoke. There is a significant chance that the fire may spread throughout the factory and its nearby areas. They used intensive firefighting techniques to contain the fire and stop it from spreading to nearby regions.

They put out the fire entirely after more than three hours, safeguarding the factory’s estimated VND100 billion (US$4 million) in assets.

Even though they have frequently performed their duties to a high standard, they are uneasy since, regardless of the extent of the damage, it takes the locals a long time to rebuild their families’ economies after a fire.

Firefighting beyond the borders

Quang Tri’s firefighters save Se Pon Rubber Processing Factory in Seman Village, Se Pon District of Savannakhet Province. Photo: T.L

Tighten the friendship between Vietnam and Laos

The Lao people are more appreciative of and in love with the Quang Tri firemen after every fire rescue. This was evident from their support and when the leaders of Savannakhet province visited Quang Tri to express gratitude and offer rewards.

Major Doan Thanh Tu, Vice Head of the Dong Ha Fire Prevention and Rescue Team, still has the Savannakhet Provincial Police Director’s certificate of merit. In recognition of his 17 years of service, he has won numerous accolades. His greatest desire is for everyone to be safe, which is why he is committed to doing more for locals and Lao people.

Naturally, the firefighters in Quang Tri have strengthened the goodwill between Vietnam and Laos with each “cross-border” fire rescue.

Truong Quang Hiep – Linh Pham

Truong Quang Hiep – Linh Pham

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