Update:  GMT+7

Quang Tri, Finland seek cooperation opportunities

Quang Tri and Finland are committed to cooperating to find new opportunities for cooperation, especially in forestry.

Quang Tri, Finland seek cooperation opportunities

Overview of the meeting. Photo: Q.H

The view was shared during a meeting between the Chairman of Quang Tri Province People’s Committee Vo Van Hung and Finish Ambassador to Vietnam Keijo Norvanto on October 4.

During the meeting, the Ambassador expressed his gratitude to the leadership of Quang Tri for their warm welcome and for taking the time to meet with his delegation.

Norvanto highlighted the strong and fruitful cooperative relationship between Finland and Vietnam, particularly with Quang Tri, which has seen significant progress and positive outcomes.

He noted that this visit aimed to engage in discussions with Quang Tri’s leaders to explore new and deeper avenues of cooperation. These discussions would pave the way for both sides to embark on fresh directions of collaboration across various sectors, with a special emphasis on forestry.

Chairman Vo Van Hung provided an overview of the province’s characteristics, potential, and strengths, particularly highlighting its achievements in forestry. He acknowledged that the province’s accomplishments were made possible through Finland’s dedicated contributions and support.

Hung expressed his optimism that this meeting and working session would create opportunities for both parties to develop effective programs and projects leading to comprehensive development in the province and tangible support for its people.

Regarding the forestry sector, Quang Tri hopes for Finnish support in implementing digital technology for forest management and protection, building sustainable development chains, and providing livelihood support to households involved in forest planting and protection, he continued.

Hung assured that the people and officials of Quang Tri would wholeheartedly and responsibly support their Finnish friends to achieve the shared objectives.

Ambassador Norvanto praised Quang Tri’s recent achievements and reiterated Finland’s commitment to promoting cooperation and exploring new directions and opportunities. He affirmed Finland’s intention to hold further discussions with relevant authorities and departments in the province to reach a consensus on appropriate and effective programs and projects, aligning with the recommendations and suggestions of Chairman Hung.

Ngoc Mai - Q.H

Ngoc Mai - Q.H

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