Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

Quang Tri played an important role in President Fidel Castro’s visit to Vietnam in 1973. His love for Vietnam and Quang Tri resembles a special bond connecting the past and present. Such a bond has been reflected in different fields regardless of politics and other sectors and has been tightened by leaders and people of the two sides.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

In Santiago De Cuba, on April 22, 2023, Secretary of the Quang Tri Party Committee Le Quang Tung and Governor of Holguín Julio César Estupiñán Rodríguez handed over a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on establishing the partnership between the two sides, with the participation of Chairman of Vietnam’s National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue and President of the National Assembly of People’s Power Esteban Lazo Hernández.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

It’s an important event of Quang Tri and Holguín within the framework of the visit paid to La Habana and Santiago de Cuba by Chairman of National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue on April 18-23, 2023. The MoU has opened a chapter for cooperation between the two localities in the fields of mutual interests and made full use of each’s strengths.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

On this occasion, Quang Tri donated Holguín some local specialties worth US$50,000 to contribute to the locality’s social welfare.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Le Quang Tung affirmed that the visit and meeting between the leaders of the two provinces of Quang Tri and Holguín are of great significance. Based on the decades-long relations, this visit aims to tighten the cooperative relationship between the two countries and the two provinces.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

In addition, Cuba has extended its cooperation with Quang Tri by signing some MoUs on supporting the province in some fields, including health and education.

At the 37th Vietnam-Cuba Joint Governmental Committee’s meeting in 2019, Cuban Deputy Minister of Health Cuba Marcia Cobas Ruiz and Deputy Chairman of the Quang Tri People’s Committee Hoang Nam signed an MoU on health. It sets up a comprehensive cooperation strategy for the two countries, particularly Quang Tri.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

In her visits to Quang Tri, Marcia Cobas Ruiz has affirmed tightening the cooperation in the health sector, focusing on dental and ophthalmic care. The two sides will coordinate medical programs, including training, investment, the launch of initial healthcare by electronic health records, and cooperation in non-infectious diseases. It helps Cuba promote its assistance to Quang Tri in healthcare – one of the Latin American country’s strengths.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

In a visit to Quang Tri in early 2020, Irmina Perojo, Economic and Trade Counselor at the Cuban Embassy in Vietnam, said Cuban is willing to send health professionals to Quang Tri for further cooperation.

Moreover, Quang Tri has proposed the Vietnam-Cuba Joint Governmental Committee facilitate the export of Quang Tri’s typical farm produce, namely rice, coffee, and pepper, to the Cuban market while being a distribution channel and market of Cuban cigars and essential oils.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of President Fidel Castro’s visit to Quang Tri will take place in September 2023 in the locality. The province is preparing for celebrations with two main parts, including meetings and conferences highlighting the milestone.

The anniversary aims to tighten the relationship between the two nations and peoples.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

Commenting on the visit, Orlando Nicolas Hernandez Guillen, Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam said the visit paid by President Fidel Castro 50 years ago aimed to encourage Vietnamese people in fierce battles. It demonstrates the deepened solidarity between the two nations. Cuba strongly supports hosting the celebrations and will send high-ranking delegations to attend the event.

Before, the 40th and 45th anniversaries were held in Quang Tri with the attendance of high-ranking officials, including members of Politburo – the highest body of each country.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

This year’s celebrations will include the inauguration of Fidel Park in Dong Ha City – the first park in Vietnam named after the Cuban leader. The park marked the footprints of President Fidel Castro during his visit to Quang Tri in 1973.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

Quang Tri is one of the indispensable places in Vietnam visited by senior Cuban officials.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

Like other Cubans, Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo, member of the Council of State and coordinator of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution, said he was touched when reaching this land. During the trip to Quang Tri in May 2023, the delegation he led visited all places marking Fidel Castro’s footprints five decades ago.

"When I went to Quang Tri, I was very impressed. I am aware that your country has recorded significant moments in Vietnam’s history involving bravery, heroism, and unwavering resistance. Every Cuban is aware that this is the spot where their beloved leader first set foot, making it a brilliant symbol of friendship, unity, and solidarity. And now, having followed in his footsteps, we are overcome with emotion as we explore the revered landmarks of your country," Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo said.

Arlín Alberty Loforte, deputy editor-in-chief of Granma, Cuba, expressed her delight that news on the Cuban leader – Fidel Castro, appeared in the local media. She said it was remarkable that the Quang Tri Newspaper wrote stories about the leader from different angles and became valuable documents for both sides towards the anniversary.

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

Vietnam-Cuba relations: Promote increasingly strong and developed cooperative relationships

5:22:09:2023:16:50 GMT+7

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