Update:  GMT+7

Quang Tri operates Intelligent Operations Center effectively

Quang Tri is effectively operating the Intelligent Operations Center (IOC) for the supervision and administrative management in various areas.

Quang Tri operates Intelligent Operations Center effectivelyQuang Tri IOC staff are processing information from resident. Photo: Thanh Hang

The IOC provides local authorities with information related to the province’s socio-economic indexes, while boosting the interaction between residents, businesses and authorities, contributing to creating a fair and civilized society.

According to IOC Deputy Director Thai Le Duy Hung, the center has successfully applied information systems to tackle many problems, including intelligent traffic mornitoring systems, media monitoring system, statistical information system, field reporting system (FRS).

Quang Tri has installed a total of 115 cameras at important zones to boost the effective operation of the information system for surveillance, traffic management, and public security.

So far, 44 agencies and organizations in Quang Tri have installed field reporting systems and gained significant results when implementing 629 reports with in a prompt, accurate and transparent way, helping people understand information provided.

FRS promotes two-way interaction between people and the government, helping the authorities solve thorny problems effectively in many areas, including politic, transportation, and economy. With the help of the QuangTri IOC mobile application, people can accelerate feedback with attached images and information to the provincial IOC and transfer it to the functional agencies for handling. At the same time, they can closely monitor the response of their feedback. The provincial IOC has proactively discussed with local agencies about connecting and sharing data as well as cooperated with data providers for better use.

So far, many local agencies have connected, updated and shared data to the IOC, with 1,605 news and articles in between May 2021 and September 2023.

The IOC has also used AI to help people grasp important information related to weather and tremendous natural disasters to proactively respond and minimize consequences. The center regularly manages the fanpage, including promptly posting the breaking news and data about provincial significant events on social network, increase interaction among resident and businesses, providing essential knowledge of various fields.

In 2023, the IOC continues to implement the reputation listening and monitoring system (Reputa); security and order monitoring system; simultaneously apply AI in warning hazardous weather patterns and natural disasters for Quang Tri.

The center continues to encourage people and businesses to participate in reporting key issues, build multi-dimensional interaction channels and coordinate with local agencies to handle reported content promptly and effectively.

Tung Lam- Hai An

Tung Lam- Hai An

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