Update:  GMT+7

Quang Tri’s border guard holds annual talk with counterparts of Savannakhet, Salavan

The Border Guard Command of Quang Tri Province and the Security Division 2 of Savannakhet and Salavan provinces (Laos) on December 19 held their annual dialogue for the year 2023.

Quang Tri’s border guard holds annual talk with counterparts of Savannakhet, Salavan

Leaders fromBorder Guard Command of Quang Tri Province and the Security Division 2 of Savannakhet and Salavan province sign the memorandum of understanding for cooperation in 2023. Photo: Phuoc Trung

In the spirit of solidarity and special friendship, both sides informed each other about the border situation, the results of their cooperation in border management and protection, border control, import and export activities, crime prevention and combat, as well as propaganda, solidarity, and exchanges during the past period.

Accordingly, the Border Guard Command of Quang Tri Province and the Security Division 2 of Savannakhet and Salavan provinces have effectively maintained their coordinated efforts and information exchange to serve the mission of managing and protecting the border and border gates.

Both sides provided each other with over 1,000 valuable pieces of information to effectively fulfill their duties in managing and protecting the border, border gates, and combating crimes related to the shared border, contributing to ensuring security and order in the border area.

The Border Guard Command of Quang Tri Province and the Security Division of Savannakhet Province provided recommendations for the joint working group of the two provinces to engage with the border experts from Vietnam and Laos on the opening of the A Roong (Vietnam) - Xa Dun (Laos) border gate, facilitating the traffic through the Ta Rung (Vietnam) - La Co (Laos) secondary border gate.

The Border Guard Command of Quang Tri Province and the Security Division of Salavan Province cooperated in surveying the infrastructure serving the upgrading of the Coc (Vietnam) - A Xoc (Laos) border gate pair to the main border gate during the 2020-2030 period, as part of the plan directed by the National Border Steering Committee of Vietnam and Laos.

Leaders of both sides instructed their respective border posts (Vietnam) and police forces (Laos) to effectively implement the signed friendship agreement. The local authorities at all levels were also advised to maintain and effectively implement the model of community friendship along the shared border and the grassroots movement to participate in self-managing the border roads, border markers, and crime prevention.

Both sides collaborated intensively on propaganda efforts, mobilizing the people on both sides of the border to strictly abide by the laws of each country and regulations concerning the border region. They addressed conclusively illegal migration activities, unlawful cross-border marriages, border trespassing, and invasion activities.

Furthermore, the Border Guard Command of Quang Tri Province directed border posts to coordinate with the Security Stations of Salavan and Savannakhet provinces in successfully implementing the “Step-by-step to School” program, assisting nine Laotian students with particularly difficult circumstances to attend school.

During the dialogue session, the Border Guard Command of Quang Tri Province and the Security Division 2 of Savannakhet and Salavan provinces signed a memorandum of cooperation for the year 2023.

In the upcoming period, both sides agreed to continue close coordination and deepening of information exchange on the effective struggle against various crimes, especially drug trafficking, human trafficking, drug buying and transportation, activities of exile opposition, terrorism, transnational crimes, and other crimes related to the shared border.

They committed to strengthening collaboration in operational activities, basic investigation of critical and complex crime routes and areas, and joint investigation and verification of crime-related information.

There will be increased coordination and advice for local authorities on both sides to enhance propaganda efforts, mobilize the people to effectively implement the bilateral agreements on border lines, border markers, and actively participate in the crime reporting movement.

Both sides will closely coordinate in managing, inspecting, and controlling border crossings, imports, and exports through border gates and the surrounding areas on both sides, promptly detecting and strictly handling any violations.

Phuoc Trung - Ngoc Mai

Phuoc Trung - Ngoc Mai

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