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Quang Tri applies hi-tech in promoting key products

Science and Technology have positively impacted all production sectors, contributing to the innovation of production organization methods towards increased productivity, quality, and efficiency while adapting to climate change. This has played a significant role in restructuring the agricultural sector towards higher added value and sustainable development. In recent years, Quang Tri province has actively applied hi-tech to the development of key products.

Over the past decade, numerous national and provincial research and technology application programs and projects have been implemented locally. These initiatives have primarily supported the development of key and advantageous local products, significantly contributing to the socio-economic development of the province, including the agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sectors.

Key crops providing raw materials for the processing industry include coffee, rubber, and timber. Crops with competitive advantages and regional specialties include pepper, fruit trees, medicinal plants, and high-quality rice. The primary livestock with competitive advantages in the province include cattle and shrimp. Through these programs and projects, safe and sustainable production processes, such as organic farming, natural cultivation, GAP, and food safety protocols, have been promoted. These efforts have improved production capacity and methods, transitioning from small-scale production to large-scale commercial production, establishing value chain linkages, and gradually building the brand of Quang Tri agricultural and medicinal products such as Sa Mu orchids, Sa Mu strawberries, Sa Mu cordyceps, Tralavang, Cagali, Con Co jiaogulan, Vinh Linh pepper, organic rice, and Khe Sanh coffee.

Quang Tri applies hi-tech in promoting key products

Development of an organic rice farming model in Trieu Phong District. Photo: T.A.M

The application of science and technology in production has focused on innovating and improving crop and livestock varieties, contributing to enhanced productivity and quality of key local products. Efforts have been directed towards effectively researching, applying, and transferring scientific and technological advancements to practical production and daily life, helping local residents increase their income and improve their living standards, thus contributing positively to local socio-economic development.

The adoption of advanced scientific and technological practices, particularly high technology in production, has seen significant progress with solutions such as greenhouses, net houses, efficient irrigation, hydroponics, multi-stage shrimp farming, and tissue-cultured forestry seedlings, thereby boosting productivity, quality, and economic efficiency.

Key technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution have been effectively applied in agriculture, with experimental production models focusing on high-value flowers and processed herbal products. Technological advancements in cattle breeding have been implemented to help coastal residents affected by environmental incidents.

Scientific and technological advances have also been used to produce agricultural microbiological products such as Compo-QTMIC, Tricho-Pseu, NitroQTMIC, Perfect-QTMIC, Bio-QTMIC, and Pro-QTMIC. Additionally, efforts have been made to research and transfer high-yield, high-quality, competitive, and climate-adaptive crop and livestock varieties into production.

Local authorities have effectively implemented crop and seasonal structure changes, with large-field programs and production linkage projects yielding practical results. High-tech, safe, organic, and VietGAP agricultural production has increased, with many products receiving trademarks from the National Office of Intellectual Property.

Livestock farming methods have shifted from small-scale to concentrated farm operations, incorporating modern barns and equipment. Large-scale forestry linked to sustainable forest management certification (FSC) has been promoted, and high-tech applications in fishery exploitation have been enhanced, especially in post-harvest preservation.

Fishery infrastructure and irrigation projects have continued to receive investment and upgrades. The province has enacted numerous policies and projects to develop key local products, achieving positive outcomes. As a result, the agricultural sector’s growth rate has remained stable, significantly contributing to the local gross regional domestic product (GRDP).

In the future, the province’s science and technology sector will focus on tasks and solutions to apply science and technology in producing key local products, including researching, testing, selecting, and using high-yield, high-quality crop and livestock varieties. The emphasis will be on applying and transferring scientific and technological advances, expanding effective new models to meet practical demands and the sector’s sustainable development goals, reducing input costs, increasing value-added per unit area, and elevating key agricultural products to improve local incomes. The focus will be on developing high-tech agriculture in crop cultivation, animal husbandry, aquaculture, and forestry.

Support for high-tech agricultural projects, building production and consumption linkage chains, and effectively implementing existing policies and projects will continue. Attention will be given to training and developing human resources for the agricultural sector, particularly building a team of dedicated and technically skilled leaders. Efforts will be directed towards advancing biotechnology according to the province’s plan, ensuring modern production and management practices align with regional and international agreements, integrating the agricultural, forestry, and fishery sectors into national development trends, and stabilizing entry into global markets.

According to the Science and Technology Market Development Program and the Science and Technology enterprises plan for Quang Tri Province by 2030, issued under Decision No. 1048/QD-UBND on May 19, 2023, the provincial budget will annually support 5-6 projects focused on technological innovation in sectors such as information and communication technology; advanced, smart construction and infrastructure technology; biotechnology; environmental industry; clean and renewable energy; and agricultural processing and manufacturing.

Each year, support will be provided for 2-3 enterprises, organizations, or individuals to participate in exhibitions showcasing products, technologies, and equipment. The goal is to establish at least one science and technology enterprise annually. Additionally, 1-2 projects will receive loans from the Science and Technology Development Fund to apply research results, innovate, and transfer technology to Science and Technology organizations, enterprises, and individuals. Annually, 1-2 training courses on technology management and updates on new technologies will be organized.

Efforts will be made to publicize the program’s goals and content through various means, such as developing media programs on science and technology market development, social media, and organizing conferences and workshops for the local business community. Direct outreach will also be conducted at key enterprises and targeted groups.

Training and capacity-building will be provided for science and technology-active enterprises, managers of Science and Technology activities at institutes, schools, research centers, district-level authorities, and relevant organizations and individuals. Training content will include knowledge about S&T enterprises, technology incubation, policies encouraging the formation and development of S&T enterprises, and specialized knowledge in management, business operations, branding, and intellectual property.

For market development tasks, the focus will be on increasing the demand for Science and Technology, enhancing enterprises' ability to absorb, master, and innovate technology. Enterprises will be guided and supported in using their Science and Technology Development Fund according to regulations. Businesses will be encouraged to invest in Science and Technology research and development, establish S&T organizations, and enhance their technology absorption capabilities.

Collaboration between enterprises and institutes/schools will be promoted, and support for enterprise innovation activities will be provided. Measures to facilitate technology transfer, import high and advanced technologies, and prioritize clean technologies from developed countries with significant impact potential will be implemented. Support will also be given for commercializing research results and intellectual property, particularly those that meet the needs of supporting industries, agricultural mechanization, deep processing in agriculture, key products, OCOP products, and startup projects.

Support will be provided for establishing and perfecting regulations on standards, management technologies, and standardizing products resulting from Science and Technology research. Assistance will be offered for technology transfer, improvement, innovation, and application of new and high technologies, as well as the modernization of production lines for project implementation. Enterprises will be encouraged to participate in technology innovation programs, productivity and quality improvement programs for key products, intellectual property development programs, and brand building initiatives.

Additionally, the development of intermediary organizations in the Science and Technology market will be prioritized. This includes building and maintaining online technology and equipment trading platforms, linking sellers and buyers of technology products, organizing supply-demand connection events in the central region and nationwide, and recognizing exemplary enterprises in technology innovation and mastery.

Tran Anh Minh - Ngoc Mai

Tran Anh Minh - Ngoc Mai

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