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10-year journey to bring Tet to the poor in Quang Tri

“Bringing Tet to poor villages”, a volunteer program of the Quang Tri Newspaper’s Youth Union has been launched for 10 years, helping improve the lives of many residents; providing highland people with warm and meaningful gifts every new year.

A warm gift for the New Year

Thanh O Village, Thanh Commune, Huong Hoa District was chosen as one of the destinations in the “Bringing Tet to poor villages” campaign over the past 10 years providing food and stuff to the poor in remote areas. In 2024, the Quang Tri Newspaper’s Youth Union coordinated with the Thanh Border Guard Station, the Huong Hoa District Medical Center Youth Union, and other organizations to offer residents hundreds of gifts worth total US$2,519.

10-year journey to bring Tet to the poor in Quang Tri

People in highland areas receive gifts from the program “Bringing Tet to poor villages” - Photo: TRAN TUYEN

The program supports people in building a flag-decorated road worth US$487; giving 300 pairs of shoes and dozens of books for Thanh Secondary School; donating 106 coats to students of Thanh Kindergarten. In addition, donors and volunteers provided free checkup and medicine to about 200 people, free haircuts for poor local students, among others.

Like many other households in Thanh O Village, Thanh Commune, Ho Pa Xe’s family welcomed Tet 2024 in a cozier and happier atmosphere thanks to meaningful gifts given by the Quang Tri Newspaper’s Youth Union.

Sharing with Quang Tri Newspaper, Pa Xe said: "I feel very happy when receiving special gifts from many reporters and see the national flag flying on the road. During this Tet holiday, I have both delicious food and warm blankets. I sincerely thank everyone for their kindness.

"The charity delegation also visited and gave gifts to villager Ho Thi Buoi. Apart from gifts, she received medical treatment at home and medicine by doctors at Huong Hoa District Medical Center.

"We rarely get to eat delicious candies due to difficult family situations. Thank you for the program of the Quang Tri Newspaper and the generous hearts ," Buoi shared with reporters.

Party Committee Secretary of Thanh Commune Ho Van Hanh said that the locality is home to the highest rate of poor households in Huong Hoa District, with the proportion of ethnic minorities accounting for 95%, so the support means a lot to residents.

“The gifts not only show the great care of organizations and agencies to local people but also help them have motivation to overcome poverty,” Hanh said.

Efforts to extend the journey

“Bringing Tet to poor villages” is one of the programs that the Quang Tri Newspaper Union has strived to implement for many years. Witnessing many poor people while working prompted us to launch the program for people in Ban Chua Village, Cam Lo District in 2014," said Truong Quang Hiep, Deputy Head of Readers - Social Work Department, former Secretary of the Quang Tri Newspaper’s Youth Union.

Thanks to the significance of the program, Cam Lo district leaders suggested the Editorial Board of the Quang Tri Newspaper and the union maintain it every year in Ban Chua Village. After 5 years of organizing in remote areas of Cam Lo District, the newspaper expanded this program to many other areas of difficulties throughout the province.

After years, the Quang Tri Newspaper’s Youth Union has changed both the content and format of the program. In addition to giving gifts, it also coordinated with the Traditional Arts Troupe of Quang Tri to host spring entertainment as well as buffet parties for highland children.

To have operating expenses, youth union members themselves offer their parts and actively campaign and connect with philanthropic organizations and individuals. In particular, the organization carries out many fundraising activities.

Nguyen Thi Ha Trang, a member of the Quang Tri Newspaper’s Youth Union, said that organizing the program encountered many difficulties due to financial shortage. “In 2018, to raise fund for this program, members of the union continuously took turns opening a livestream to sell old gowns for a week. Luckily, we received enthusiastic support from everyone and collected over VND30 million (US$1,219),” she shared.

Overcoming all challenges, over the past 10 years, the Quang Tri Newspaper’ Youth Union have strived to collect Tet gifts to support poor villagers before the new year. After the success of this program, many other units have organized similar programs to help improve the lives of poor people.

“Bringing Tet to poor villages” is one of the annual activities organized and maintained by the Quang Tri Newspaper’s Youth Union for the past 10 years to help poor residents in remote areas,” Secretary of the Quang Tri Newspaper’s Youth Union Branch Le Van Truong said.

Truc Phuong - Tung Lam

Truc Phuong - Tung Lam

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