Update:  GMT+7

Cross-border trade development key to boost ethnic people’s life in Huong Hoa

Through the program on trade development for mountainous areas, Huong Hoa District authorities have lifted the living standards for the ethnic minorities and locals in those areas.

Ethnic minorities account for nearly half of total population in Huong Hoa District. They reside in 21 communes and towns, including 14 areas that are in critical conditions.

Cross-border trade development key to boost ethnic people’s life in Huong Hoa

Tan Long market is famous for being a banana distribution center in Huong Hoa District. Photo: N.T.H

Addressing the socio-economic development for ethnic residents as the most important component to the district’s growth, Huong Hoa has created investment and economic promotion events, and encouraged private investors to set up their operations in those areas.

Upon such activities, Huong Hoa District has fulfilled the tasks and targets set for the ethnic residences, making their economic activities an essential to the district’s socialism-oriented market economy.

In recent years, the infrastructures in ethnic and mountainous residences have been improved with the assistance of private investors. Enterprises and manufacturers have built many facilities in services, hospitality, accommodation, eatery, and trade to help consume local products.

There are now 16 modern gas stations across the district, including four constructed for the ethnic people in Thuan, Lia, Huong Tan, and Huong Phung communes.

Additionally, there are six markets and one commercial centers in Huong Hoa, of which Huong Phung Market is classified and built at the central location between ethnic areas to ease travel for people.

In 2022, Huong Hoa District recorded the total revenue of trade and services at nearly VND8.6 trillion (US$351.7 million), up 27.5% on-year. The trading and commercial program is really efficient and it has improved the living conditions for ethnic residents in the district.

Alongside domestic trade, cross-border economy also attracts private investors to join, thus developing the district. In recent years, Huong Hoa has organized more cooperative activities with both regional and international partners, facilitated and eased conditions for cross-border trade, and encouraged domestic households and producers to grow and expand their operations.

In addition, local authorities have allowed further trade between local residents with those living across the border at the Lao Bao International Border Gate and other small borderline markets. Traded items include banana, rubber, cattle, pig and pork, aquatic products, and farm produce.

Cross-border trade has increased in recent years. In 2022, cross-border trade value at Huong Hoa District’s Lao Bao International Border Gate reached $516.4 million. Of the figure, exports were worth $106 million, and imports were worth $410 million.

To further develop the economy for ethnic residents, the district targets to increase the revenue growth rate in trade and services to 9% per annum in 2030, and advertise and market local specialties on both Vietnamese and international distribution channels.

Huong Hoa will also encourage more traders and companies to join, thus achieving a trading growth rate of 8-10% per annum, improve the merchandise distribution network and supply chains, and enhance professional qualities for local market watch divisions. The district expects that 90% of all local market administrators will improve their capacities in 2030 to serve the socio-economic growth in ethnic areas.

Furthermore, the district will continue to disseminate communication programs to advertise ethnic-made products, develop and implement policies on trade and commerce activities for ethnic people, attract a stronger inflow of private capital, and provide support for local producers in the making and selling of OCOP and special items.

Huong Hoa also eyes to build an addition of modern markets, super markets and commercial centers in communes, towns and other populated areas. The constructions will meet the demand of local people for trading.

Last but not least, the district will make stronger investment in the mass infrastructures to improve transportation and logistics in borderline areas, and take advantage of the East-West Economic Corridor to propel trading activities for local ethnic minorities.

Khanh Ngoc – Huy Anh

Khanh Ngoc – Huy Anh

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