Update:  GMT+7

Quang Tri to unleash local gems for tourism development

The Quang Tri coastline boasts rocky headlands that extend several hundred meters into the sea. Among the most renowned are Mui Treo, Mui Si, and Mui Lay, attracting photographers and local visitors alike. This scenic area holds great potential for eco-tourism development, seamlessly blending the allure of the sea and islands. Investment in this region could unlock its natural beauty and create a captivating tourist destination.

One of the most renowned coastal spots is Mui Treo, which was previously in Vinh Kim Commune but is now located in Kim Thach Commune, Vinh Linh District.Quang Tri to unleash local gems for tourism development

Mui Treo from above. Photo: N.T

Rising high above sea level, Mui Treo offers a captivating view of the untamed beauty of nature. Photographers are particularly drawn to Mui Treo and frequently visit for picnics. During weekends and holidays, the area is bustling with tourists, especially the younger generation.

In May 2018, the former Chairman of Quang Tri Provincial People"s Committee, Nguyen Duc Chinh, led a delegation to survey this pristine tourist destination. To reach Mui Treo, the survey team had to traverse through Ru Bau, a dense forest primarily composed of red-leaved oak trees.

Spanning over 7 hectares, Ru Bau boasts a remarkable biodiversity, providing a refreshing and cool atmosphere. Beyond Ru Bau lies Mui Treo, a cape that juts out majestically into the sea, forming a steep cliff just a few meters from the sea surface. This unique location entices many people to capture once-in-a-lifetime photographs and immerse themselves in the vastness of the sea and sky. Below Mui Treo lies a pristine beach adorned with large stones artfully stacked by nature.

With its exceptional characteristics, the Mui Treo area is regarded by backpackers as an idyllic camping spot. Chinh, on his visit at that time, recognized the unspoiled beauty and untapped tourism potential of Mui Treo and Ru Bau, particularly for picnic tourism. He entrusted the Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism to collaborate with the local government to devise a development plan for this enchanting tourist destination.

Additionally, he planned to survey the shortest route from Cua Tung to Mui Treo to attract more tourists and promote the recognition of Mui Treo among travelers. Not far from Mui Treo lies Mui Lay, another rocky headland that extends about 500 meters into the sea, situated in Vinh Moc Village (Kim Thach Commune, Vinh Linh District), approximately 7 kilometers north of Cua Tung beach.

Mui Lay has earned recognition from locals and seafarers due to its remarkable Mui Lay lighthouse, perched on the mainland, reaching nearly 40 meters in height, and operational since 1976. Seafarers in the region rely on the Mui Lay lighthouse to guide their sea voyages, especially during foggy and stormy days. Besides its practical function, the lighthouse provides an ideal spot to admire the vast sea, enjoy the sea breeze, watch seagulls, and observe offshore ships.

For tourists and adventurers, Mui Lay has become a favorite destination for checking in and camping. The tranquil sea with gentle waves, clear blue waters, and soft, clean stretches of sand entice visitors. Additionally, there is an ancient water well with crystal-clear water near the beach, offering a refreshing respite after a swim.

The allure of Mui Lay lies in its simplicity, exemplifying that travel experiences need not be confined to luxurious destinations. Ngo Truong Giang, a resident of Dong Ha City, enthusiastically shared, “Coming to Mui Lay with just a tent and some picnic equipment, my family created unforgettable memories under the golden sun and by the blue sea.”

Mui Si, located in Kim Thach Commune, is equally captivating. This wide flat strip of land gracefully protrudes into the sea, conveniently positioned in the middle of the coastal route connecting the renowned Cua Tung beach and the historic Vinh Moc tunnels in Vinh Linh. This picturesque location boasts soaring casuarina groves adorning a triangular strip of land, rising approximately 30 meters above sea level. Beneath this verdant landscape lies a pristine beach adorned with beautiful rocks, making Mui Si an increasingly popular destination for families and tourists seeking respite from the scorching summer days in Quang Tri.

Next to the serene beach, the foot of Mui Si mountain showcases nature"s artistry with rare sculptures—rocky muzzles adorned with rows of green moss after the long winter. Although not frequently visited, this tranquil spot leaves a lasting impression with its wild and vivid colors of the sea. Adding to its allure, visitors are surprised to discover the Mui Si tunnel, which stretches about 200 meters and features three entrances and one vent facing the sea.

This unique tunnel forms part of the Vinh Moc tunnel system and Vinh Linh tunnel village, enriching the historical significance of the area. Mui Si has become a hidden gem, offering a harmonious blend of natural beauty, historical intrigue, and peaceful retreats for those seeking solace amidst the coastal splendor of Quang Tri. Recognizing the untapped tourism potential of the rocky headlands extending into the sea, Vinh Linh District has long sought to develop agricultural and rural tourism through progressive initiatives.

However, despite its promise, these headlands have not been fully exploited due to inadequate infrastructure, limited tourism services, and a scarcity of skilled human resources for operation.

A representative from Vinh Linh District"s authority emphasized that the district is now prioritizing investment upgrades and the development of rural tourist spots. These efforts are intertwined with the implementation of new-style rural construction criteria, with a keen focus on engaging the active participation of local communities and the tourism sector.

The goal is to have rural tourist attractions managed, exploited, and benefitted from by the community under the guidance of state management agencies and various government levels. This approach aligns with the community-based development strategy that is planned for the headlands.

Similarly, Nguyen Duc Tan, the Director of the Center for Investment, Trade, and Tourism Promotion in Quang Tri Province, pointed out that although there are currently no large-scale resorts around the headlands, the potential for community tourism remains abundant. He emphasized the possibility of developing eco-tourism and combining it with island tourism in these regions.

With the captivating blend of sea, forest, and the red land of three dan at its base, the headlands present a distinctive destination for camping and sleeping in tents. Simultaneously, the province is actively inviting significant investors to awaken and elevate the potential of these areas in the future, said Tan.

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