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Quang Tri promotes digital techs in farm production

The province of Quang Tri defines digital transformation in agriculture as the process of integrating and applying digital technology throughout the entire scope of agricultural and rural development activities. This involves changing the traditional methods of managing, producing, and marketing agricultural products to modern and intelligent approaches.

Quang Tri promotes digital techs in farm production

Locals apply technological advancements in shrimp production in Vinh Linh District. Photo: H.T

According to Deputy Director of the Quang Tri Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Phu Quoc, in the context of international integration, climate change, and pandemics, digital transformation in agriculture is the “key” to sustainable development in the agricultural sector. Through a focus on digital transformation in agriculture, various advanced technologies have been applied in practical production, leading to the establishment of intelligent technology application models. These models utilize databases in forestry, irrigation, and aquaculture.

The technical information technology infrastructure in agencies and units under the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has been relatively well-equipped to meet work demands. Administrative procedure reform, closely associated with digital transformation, has also been emphasized. Specifically, the digitization rate of documents upon receipt is 83.4% (7,520 out of 9,017 files), and the digitization rate of documents upon result delivery is 62.74% (5,648 out of 9,002 files).

Currently, the province has implemented technology in production, yielding high-quality, clean products for the market. Examples include over 30 high-tech greenhouses covering an area of 3 hectares, over 5,000 hectares of crops utilizing water-saving technology, and more than 20 models applying high-tech and Internet of Things (IoT) processes in the production of orchids, lilies, strawberries, super sweet tomatoes, and net melons, bringing practical efficiency. Additionally, over 5,500 hectares of rice, rubber, and cassava are cared for and pest-controlled using unmanned aerial vehicles.

Livestock farming has also undergone significant transformations through the active application of digital technology at all stages. Notably, the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) in monitoring and controlling avian influenza and managing livestock diseases through the Vietnam Animal Health Information System (VAHIS) application has been prominent.

Many livestock farms have synchronized with digital transformation by employing farm monitoring systems (cameras) connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) and smartphones. They use software for slaughter management, traceability, or closed-loop farming technology with automated temperature control, automatic feeding, and drinking troughs, automatic poultry manure handling, ensuring environmental hygiene through microbial products, and biological gas technology (biogas).

Leveraging strengths in aquaculture and fisheries, numerous enterprises, cooperatives, and individuals have gradually applied automatic devices to replace human labor in shrimp farming (automatic feeding machines, oxygen alert devices, and power alert devices). They use information systems for monitoring the routes of fishing vessels to manage fishing vessels and employ sonar devices for horizontal scanning in seafood netting, VX 1700 integrated satellite positioning communication systems, multiple scanning devices for seafood netting, and autonomous steering systems on offshore fishing vessels.

Moreover, currently, 100% of cooperative directors use smartphones with 4G/5G connectivity for communication and task exchange, and over 80% of cooperatives use accounting software for financial management.

In recent times, the agriculture sector has researched, installed, and effectively operated a system of 35 automatic people’s rain gauges and monitoring stations, providing efficient support in disaster warning, forecasting, directing, and managing responses to natural disasters in the province.

Research, development, and implementation of WebGIS technology, Google Earth software, and MapInfo for mapping the current state and building databases on irrigation systems, rural clean water, embankments, landslides, and disaster prevention and control have also been conducted.

Additionally, support for OCOP (One Commune One Product) labels associated with source traceability for provincial OCOP products and collaboration with the provincial Post Office to introduce and sell 115 OCOP products on the e-commerce platform postmart.vn have been actively pursued. Currently, over 95% of OCOP products are transacted on various e-commerce platforms.

Despite these achievements, the digital transformation and application of information technology in agriculture and the construction of new rural areas in Quang Tri still face many difficulties and shortcomings. Issues include the lack of synchronized infrastructure to serve production and digital transformation, the substantial volume of database digitization requirements with limited investment resources, insufficient support from digital transformation experts, and low digital skills among farmers. Additionally, there is still limited awareness among citizens and businesses about public services, and there is a slow change in habits to approach government agencies directly for administrative procedures.

Quoc added, "The reasons for these limitations are due to the budget allocated for investing in information technology infrastructure, applying information technology, constructing electronic governments, and the digital transformation process not meeting the actual needs of the agencies and units. The information technology proficiency of the officials and employees is only basic. The public and business awareness of public services is limited, and there is a slow change in habits to approach government agencies directly for administrative procedures."

To seize opportunities, overcome challenges, and promote strong digital transformation in agriculture in the coming years, the province needs to recognize citizens and businesses as the focal point and prerequisite for digital transformation. Encouraging businesses and young labor force participation in digital transformation, training skilled digital transformation experts proficient in both theory and practice, promoting communication, and organizing training courses and skills training for farmers are vital steps.

Moreover, strengthening the provision of information about the environment, land, and weather to help farmers improve crop productivity is crucial. On the other hand, management authorities should provide support and share agricultural equipment through digital platforms. They should design data management software and allocate individual and organizational responsibilities at the local level to use software for data collection, updating, exploitation, management, and storage, aiming to enhance productivity, and profitability, optimize production, and provide many development opportunities, connecting farmers with processing facilities, commerce, and consumers within and outside the province, contributing to the sustainable development of the province’s agriculture.

In recent years, research and technological development activities in agricultural production in Quang Tri have seen significant progress, with many new technical advances widely applied. These advancements contribute to enhancing productivity, and quality, improving economic efficiency, and reducing environmental pollution. Specifically, numerous short-duration crop varieties with high productivity and quality have been introduced into production, such as rice varieties Thien Uu 8, RVT, ST24, TBR279, HN6, Dai Thom 8, VNR20, DCG6; corn varieties HN88, HN68, MX10, CP888, CP333; and new cassava varieties KM140, SM937-26, HN3, HN5. These varieties have undergone testing and have been integrated into the province’s main seed system. The utilization rate of certified and quality-assured varieties is maintained at over 90%. Many crop varieties, both domestic and imported, have proven effective in local conditions, including cucumber variety Dai Nong 1, Vân Du orange, Valencia orange, PQ1 tangerine, green-skinned pomelo, Dien pomelo, Tien Vua pomelo, Taiwan 0-seed custard apple, 034 avocado, and durian.

Several advanced technical solutions have been effectively implemented in production. These include improved intercropping with a density of 45 plants/m2 using a nylon cover and a low-pressure rain spray irrigation system. Techniques like “3 reductions 3 increases,” “1 + 5 reductions” in rice cultivation, integrated pest management (IPM) in rice, drought-tolerant crops, and long-term industrial crops, as well as the application of high-tech agriculture such as drip irrigation, hydroponics, greenhouses, net houses, experimental fertilizer, and pesticide application using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), have been successfully integrated into production. Additionally, with the support investment from the Irrigation Improvement Project, Quang Tri Province has successfully developed smart agricultural models adapted to climate change for various dry crops like rice, corn, peanuts, and watermelon, covering a total area of over 5,500 hectares from 2016 to 2020.

Ha Trang - Ngoc Mai

Ha Trang - Ngoc Mai

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