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Quang Tri – Mukdahan press agencies sign cooperation agreement

The Department of Public Relations in Mukdahan Province and the Quang Tri Department of Information and Communications on November 17 jointly hosted a conference in Mukdahan to share experiences and foster media cooperation between the press agencies of the two provinces.

This is among practical initiatives aimed at implementing the cooperation agreement on trade, investment, tourism, labor, and communication among three provinces: Quang Tri (Vietnam), Savannakhet (Laos), and Mukdahan (Thailand) in the 2022-2024 period.

Quang Tri – Mukdahan press agencies sign cooperation agreement

Overview of the conference. Photo: N.T.C

During the meeting, Governor Worayan Bunarat of Mukdahan provided an overview of the socio-economic status of the province, emphasizing its strong focus on tourism development, particularly along the Mekong River.

Leveraging the advantage of the Mekong River and Friendship Bridge No.2 connecting Savannakhet Province in Laos, Mukdahan boasts numerous scenic landmarks such as Phu Pha Therb Park, Naga Manorom Snake Pagoda, and Ho Pra Keow Pearl Tower.

The province also takes pride in its ethnic diversity (Thai, Lao, Vietnamese, Chinese) and distinctive culture and cuisine. These elements form the focal points for Mukdahan’s tourism development strategy, aiming to attract visitors locally, nationally, and internationally, with a special emphasis on attracting tourists from Laos and Vietnam, said the governor.

Quang Tri – Mukdahan press agencies sign cooperation agreement

Deputy Director Nguyen Hoan of Quang Tri Department of Information and Communications presents a gift to the Governor of Mukdahan Worayan Bunarat. Photo: N.T.C

Governor Worayan Bunarat affirmed that communication cooperation is instrumental in fostering collaboration across various sectors. He expressed the commitment of Mukdahan and Quang Tri provinces to continue connecting and supporting each other’s development in multiple fields.

During the meeting, both sides shared information about the media, press, and publishing activities in their respective provinces, and assessed the outcomes of implementing media cooperation agreements in recent years.

The first communications conference held in Mukdahan in 2013 marked the initiation of communication cooperation among the three provinces: Mukdahan (Thailand), Savannakhet (Laos), and Quang Tri (Vietnam). Subsequent media conferences in 2014 and annual conferences on trade, investment, tourism, labor, and media cooperation strengthened ties and facilitated the exchange of vital information.

Quang Tri – Mukdahan press agencies sign cooperation agreement

The Governor of Mukdahan Worayan Bunarat presents gifts to the Quang Tri Province’s delegation. Photo: N.T.C

Deputy Director Nguyen Hoan of Quang Tri Department of Information and Communications emphasized that media cooperation goes beyond information sharing; it plays a crucial role in promoting mutual understanding and respect between Quang Tri and Mukdahan.

“Strengthening media collaboration not only creates new opportunities for economic, cultural, and tourism exchanges but also serves as a foundational step in building a sustainable and enduring partnership. Media can be utilized to highlight and promote the unique values of each region, encompassing natural beauty, culture, cuisine, and potential socio-economic development,” said Hoan.

Hoan also highlighted the strengthened collaboration between Quang Tri Province and Thailand across various sectors. With Quang Tri actively investing in key projects for the development of the East-West Economic Corridor, new opportunities for cooperation and investment between Quang Tri and Mukdahan provinces are anticipated.

“The press and media agencies of both provinces play a pivotal role in promoting this collaboration,” said Hoan.

Quang Tri – Mukdahan press agencies sign cooperation agreement

The Governor of Mukdahan Worayan Bunarat and delegates at the conference. Photo: N.T.C

To fortify the enduring and friendly relationship in the field of information and communication, the Department of Information and Communications in Quang Tri aspires to establish annual exchange and communication activities between the two provinces. These activities would serve as platforms for sharing information, exchanging experiences in the media field, and discussing issues related to journalism and media development in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution and digital transformation. The initiative also aims to facilitate the exchange of delegations, experiences, and professional expertise in journalism and communications, Hoan said.

Furthermore, Hoan called for both sides to create conditions for press reporters from both provinces to visit, exchange experiences, and collaborate on information dissemination to promote the unique features and attract investment and tourism for each province. The plan involves establishing a cooperation mechanism for the press agencies of both provinces to regularly share information, and publish promotional content about each other in their respective press and media outlets.

Quang Tri – Mukdahan press agencies sign cooperation agreement

Leaders of Quang Tri Province Department of Information and Communications and Mukdahan’s Province Press Association sign memorandum of cooperation. Photo: N.T.C

Wanvipa Pew, Director of the Department of Public Relations, emphasized that the meeting resulted in frank discussions and agreements on several important and practical aspects of communication cooperation between the two provinces in the upcoming period.

Following the signing of the meeting minutes, Pew expected both sides to proactively implement the agreed-upon content in a specific and substantive manner, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of their media cooperation relationship.

The promotion of communication cooperation between Quang Tri and Mukdahan provinces is seen as a gateway to unlocking new potentials for comprehensive development and cooperation between the two localities, Pew continued.

Quang Tri – Mukdahan press agencies sign cooperation agreement

Quang Tri’s delegation visits Mukdahan’s Radio Station. Photo: T.C

Quang Tri – Mukdahan press agencies sign cooperation agreement

Quang Tri’s delegations presents gifts to their Mukdahan’s counterpart. Photo: N.T.C

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Nguyen Ty of Quang Tri Newspaper shared during the conference that Quang Tri Online Newspaper, as a multimedia platform, follows modern journalism trends with diverse presentation methods. This includes E-Magazine, Long-form, Infographics, along with video clips, radio, and an English version—new features found only in leading newspapers in Vietnam.

The online newspaper’s information is widely disseminated on social networking platforms, attracting a substantial number of domestic and international readers, he said.

In addition to the online newspaper, Quang Tri Newspaper extensively disseminates news, articles, and video clips across various social networking platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Zalo, Ty said.

Based on the discussions at the meeting, both sides agreed on future cooperation, encompassing activities such as continuing to strengthen communication cooperation, promoting and introducing the history and culture of each region, disseminating information about guidelines, policies, potentials, and advantages of each province and country for investment attraction.

The two sides also plan to create publications and television reports aimed at broadcasting the policies and guidelines of each country, advocating and showcasing the landscapes, people, potential, and advantages of both provinces, as well as highlighting the amicable and collaborative relationship between the two provinces. This media content conveyed through journalistic works in written formats (text), images, animated visuals, graphics, and audio, will be compiled by both sides in Vietnamese, English, and Thai languages, with a target of producing two works per month per unit for dissemination in the press of both provinces.

The agreed-upon activities include fostering communication activities between information and communication agencies, and exchanging articles, information, documents, and experiences in the media field to enhance mutual understanding of each province’s country, people, culture, and history.

As part of the visit to Thailand, the delegation from Quang Tri Province engaged with the Overseas Vietnamese Association in Mukdahan Province. Additionally, they toured various notable sites, including press agencies in Mukdahan Province, Phu Pha Thoep Park, Naga Manorom Snake Pagoda, Ho Pra Keow Pearl Tower, Uncle Ho’s Relics, and the President Ho Chi Minh Memorial Site in Nakhon Phanom. The delegation also visited That Phanom, the Tourist Area Kengkabao ecology, and the Songkhon holy land.

Nguyen The Chung-Ngoc Mai

Nguyen The Chung-Ngoc Mai

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