Update:  GMT+7

Quang Tri sees significant socio-economic advancements in 2023

Chairman of Quang Tri Province People’s Committee Vo Van Hung chaired a press conference on Quang Tri’s socio-economic development in 2023 and the targets for 2024.

Quang Tri sees significant socio-economic advancements in 2023

Chairman of the Quang Tri Province People’s Committee Vo Van Hung at the press conference. Photo: Le Minh

Major achievements in various fields

In the press conference, the Director of the Quang Tri Province Department of Planning and Investment, Truong Chi Trung, reported that in 2023, the province achieved and exceeded 15 out of 18 socio-economic targets, while three others were close to meeting the set goals.

Compared to 2022, the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of the province is estimated to increase by 6.68%. The per capita GRDP is expected to rise by 9.06%, reaching an estimated VND71 million ($2,885). Key economic balances have been maintained stably, with the average consumer price index increasing by 3.41%.

Local capital mobilization has increased by 11.38%, reaching VND35 trillion ($1.42 billion). The total outstanding debt for the economy has increased by 2.47%, reaching VND52 trillion ($2.11 billion), with bad debts accounting for less than 1%. The total local budget revenue is VND3.8 trillion ($154.4 million), achieving 94% of the local estimate and 96% of the central estimate.

Several sectors have witnessed remarkable development. The total grain production is estimated at 30.6 thousand tons, the highest to date, surpassing 30 thousand tons for the first time. Compared to 2022, the industrial production index is estimated to increase by 10%, and the total retail sales of goods and consumer service revenue are expected to reach VND30.53 trillion ($1.24 billion), a 14.45% increase. Estimated tourist arrivals were 801,130, representing a 65.04% increase.

The rural development program has achieved notable results, with 74 out of 101 communes meeting new rural standards, accounting for 73.26%, including 12 communes reaching advanced new rural standards. Progress has been made in attracting investment, with 52 projects approved for investment, certified with a registered capital of VND3.43 trillion ($139.3 million) by the end of 2023. Among these, there are five industrial zone projects and two new foreign direct investment (FDI) projects with a registered capital of VND30.52 billion ($1.24 million).

Looking ahead to the goals in 2024, several targets are set to increase compared to 2023, including a 7%-7.5% increase in the GRDP growth rate, achieving a per capita GRDP of VND78 million ($3,170), and a total social development investment capital of VND27 trillion ($1.1 billion). The local budget revenue is expected to be VND4 trillion ($162.5 million). To achieve these goals, the provincial People’s Committee has developed nine groups of solutions.

Addressing public concern

During the press conference, several issues drew the attention of journalists, including a decrease in budget revenue, slow disbursement of public investment, and delays in the implementation of various projects. There was a strong call for decisive solutions to address these project delays, especially for those that have been progressing slowly. The suspension of the thermal power plant project in the Southeast Quang Tri Economic Zone was announced, prompting questions about the subsequent measures to be taken. Long-term solutions for protecting the water source on the Sa Lung River were also discussed.

The failure to convert the land use purpose by citizens resulted in improper land use, leading to a loss in revenue for land use right transfers and disrupting urban planning. Issues were raised regarding the shortage of land for filling materials, some businesses not issuing invoices or only issuing 50% when selling land, and certain units failing to provide necessary information to the press. For instance, some units did not cooperate effectively with journalists in disseminating information about the province’s efforts in combating smuggling and trade fraud.

Measures to improve the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) were discussed, emphasizing the need to expedite resettlement areas for the Van Ninh - Cam Lo expressway project, and address violations in the construction of wind turbine towers for the Hương Linh 1 and Hương Linh 2 wind power projects.

Quang Tri sees significant socio-economic advancements in 2023

A reporter raises issues regarding delayed projects in the province. Photo: Le Minh

In the press conference, leaders of various departments and sectors provided explanations on the issues raised by journalists and proposed solutions for the upcoming period.

Regarding the increase in budget revenue, the main reason for the reduction in revenue was attributed to the overall economic challenges and tax reduction policies, along with a frozen real estate market. The local revenue structure was particularly unstable.

To boost revenue in 2024, the local authorities will collaborate with the central government to recommend measures for revenue enhancement. This includes creating mechanisms and conditions to support businesses with development potential, as well as promoting trade activities through the international border gates of Lao Bao and La Lay to increase tax revenue from imports and exports.

In the effort to improve the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI), the provincial People’s Committee (UBND) will assign relevant agencies to continue administrative reforms, enhance the efficiency of sector management, and continue to assist businesses, promptly addressing difficulties for investors.

Quang Tri sees significant socio-economic advancements in 2023

Director of the Quang Tri Department of Planning and Investment Truong Chi Trung provides information regarding delayed projects. Photo: Le Minh

Concerning the progress of construction projects, the delays were partly attributed to the lax management of land at the grassroots level, especially in areas managed by local authorities. This led to the improper use of land, causing difficulties in resolving petitions and compensating for land clearance. A cross-sector inspection team will continue to examine, inspect, and supervise the use of filling materials. Additionally, localities will be directed to accelerate land clearance, intensify propaganda and mobilization efforts, and promptly complete resettlement areas for people to move to new locations.

For projects with slow implementation, many investors face limitations in their capacity, and there are legal deficiencies in investment regulations. Therefore, there will be a determined effort to reclaim projects with slow progress and legal violations.

Regarding water pollution in the Sa Lung River, relevant authorities have promptly inspected, identified the causes, and handled businesses responsible for pollution. They have also required these businesses to invest in waste treatment measures and install regular monitoring and warning devices. Repeat offenders will face strict penalties.

The issue of wind turbines being built in the wrong location due to shortcomings of the enterprise was explained as a lack of coordination between the enterprise and relevant departments, agencies, and localities after receiving the adjustment approval from the competent authority. Currently, functional authorities are conducting further inspections, reviews, and advising the provincial People’s Committee on appropriate measures according to regulations.

Timely providing information for press agencies

In conclusion, leaders of departments and agencies expressed their appreciation for the contributions of the media in conveying truthful information about the province’s socio-economic situation, fostering consensus, spreading positive energy, and building societal trust. They emphasized the need for continued support, cooperation, and sharing across all sectors and tasks.

Quang Tri sees significant socio-economic advancements in 2023

Vice Chairman of the Quang Tri Province People’s Committee Ha Sy Dong at the press conference. Photo: Le Minh

The Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Ha Sy Dong, emphasized that 2024 is a year of acceleration towards achieving the goals of the 17th Provincial Party Congress and the 5-year Socio-Economic Development Plan (2021-2025). He called for continued media support and coverage across various fields and tasks.

Specifically, the propaganda efforts should focus on promoting socio-economic development tasks, ensuring security and order in 2024. Special attention should be given to promoting historical and traditional values, showcasing the province’s landscape, people, culture, and achievements during the celebrations of 70 years of Vinh Linh tradition on August 25, 35 years of the re-establishment of Quang Tri Province on July 1, and especially the first year of organizing the 2024 Peace Festival.

The province will prioritize communication efforts to boost its digital transformation, ensuring that people and businesses benefit from the advantages brought about by digital transformation and are not left behind in this process. Digital transformation in the media will consider the online space as the primary front, ensuring timely reporting, struggling, and countering negative information while maintaining a healthy online environment.

In particular, leaders of departments and agencies were advised to enhance coordination, providing timely information to the media to facilitate the implementation of local policies, contributing to the socio-economic development, and ensuring Quang Tri’s sustainable development.

Le Minh - Ngoc Mai

Le Minh - Ngoc Mai

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