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Hai Lang tourism: Potential in the view of Tra Loc Pond Drainage Festival

The “Pha Tram” Tra Loc Festival or Tra Loc Pond Drainage Festival in 2024 has attracted thousands of residents and tourists, both domestic and international, signaling a breakthrough in the local tourism industry.

Hai Lang tourism: Potential in the view of Tra Loc Pond Drainage Festival

The Tra Loc Pond Drainage Festival 2024 attracts many locals and tourists. Photo: Minh Anh

The Tra Loc Pond Drainage Festival has been around for over 300 years. It is considered a traditional agricultural celebration for farmers who work tirelessly all year round, especially after the annual summer-autumn rice harvest.

Although called “Pha Tram” or draining the pond, it is essentially the process of releasing water to catch fish for food after the strenuous harvest season. This activity not only helps improve the pond’s condition and refresh the water supply to ensure a healthier environment, but it also preserves the unique local folk festival. It creates a joyful and exciting atmosphere for the local community and surrounding areas.

According to the elders of Tra Loc Village, in the past, after the summer-autumn rice harvest, farmers would drain the water from the pond (tram in Vietnamese) to catch fish for food. This practice also helped clean the pond, replenish the water supply, and improve the surrounding landscape. Over time, this tradition became an annual event and has now evolved into a formal festival organized by the local community.

The unique aspect of the “Pha Tram” Festival is that participants are only allowed to catch fish using simple, traditional tools by hand, without the use of electricity or destructive fishing methods. During the event, if someone catches a large fish, they must shout out to encourage others.

Tra Loc Pond is one of the last remaining natural forests in Hai Lang, with a central lake that provides a clean, green, and beautiful environment. The people of Tra Loc have been maintaining and protecting this forest for generations.

With its advantages for tourism development, Hai Lang has long been identified as an important link in the southern tourism network of Quang Tri Province. Key attractions include the Quang Tri Citadel – La Vang – Tra Loc Pond – My Thuy route. Other locations like the La Vang Pilgrimage Center and My Thuy Beach continue to attract a growing number of tourists.

Ecotourism spots such as Choong Waterfall, Chan Hoang Waterfall, Cau Mung Lake, Heo Waterfall, Khe Khe Lake, and several others have been surveyed and included in plans for infrastructure investment to attract visitors. Currently, the district has 25 accommodation facilities with 221 rooms.

Hai Lang District’s Vice Chairman, Cap Xuan Ta, stated: "In 2023, the district welcomed 213,000 tourists, generating revenue of VND25 billion (US$2.1 million). In the first six months of 2024, we estimate 84,000 visitors, with revenue reaching VND10 billion. Tourism provides jobs for about 600 workers annually."

Despite its potential and advantages, Hai Lang faces challenges in funding infrastructure, tourism products, and workforce training. The Choong Waterfall area, part of a priority tourism planning zone for 2022-2030, has yet to receive support for planning.

The district is requesting provincial support to fund the planning of Choong Waterfall, promote investment, and develop infrastructure at key tourist sites, especially at the Tra Loc Ecotourism Area.

With a rich history and many historical sites, including provincial and national landmarks like Cau Nhi Village Temple, Long Hung Church, La Vang Basilica, and several others, Hai Lang is home to famous products like Phuong Lang steamed rice cakes, Kim Long rice wine, and My Thuy fish sauce.

The region is also blessed with numerous rivers like the Nhung, O Lau, and Vinh Dinh rivers, as well as beautiful waterfalls in the upper reaches that offer potential for river-based tourism tours.

Participating in the 2024 Tra Loc Pond Drainage Festival, Le Sony Bao, a student from the University of Washington, USA, shared: “It was a wonderful surprise to join such a festival in your country, Vietnam. This unique experience reflects joy, unity, and equality among people. We recorded videos and photos to share with friends, and they showed great interest in learning more about Vietnam and Hai Lang.”

These advantages have paved the way for Hai Lang to develop various forms of tourism, contributing to improving the local economy and quality of life. However, to realize the goal of making tourism a key economic sector in Hải Lăng, in addition to local government efforts, strong involvement from businesses and residents in a more professional and effective manner is crucial.

Minh Anh – Linh Pham

Minh Anh – Linh Pham

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