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Quang Tri positioned to be attractive tourist destination

Quang Tri is designed to become “an attractive tourist destination and an important place in the East-West Economic Corridor” in Quang Tri’s Development Planning 2021-2030 with a vision to 2050 recently approved by the prime minister.

Quang Tri positioned to be attractive tourist destination

Visitors offer incense at Quang Tri Ancient Citadel. Photo: P.M

It has prompted Quang Tri to seek measures and resources to make it an attractive tourist destination that will tap the potential of the locality regarded as a witness and museum of the war against American troops.

Located in the heart of the country’s central region, Quang Tri was at the forefront of the deadly battle and torn apart by the Geneva Agreement 1954 for 20 years, this place witnessed the nation’s tragic losses and reflected Vietnamese struggles for independence and reunification.

The ups and downs in history have left Quang Tri the legacy of more than 500 recognized cultural and historical relics, including 20 national ones. Quang Tri is considered the witness of peace and a representative of the people worldwide for the goodwill for peace. It’s precious assets that must be treasured.

Quang Tri is known today for Hien Luong Bridge and Ben Hai River which marked the division of the country for 21 years starting in 1954; Vinh Moc Tunnels demonstrate locals’ creativity, vitality, and resilience in the border areas. It also includes McNamara Line (electronic barrier), Con Tien, Doc Mieu, Road 9 – Khe Sanh, Ta Con Airport, Quang Tri Ancient Citadel, where the fierce confrontational battles took place. They recorded Vietnamese efforts against American troops in the war.

Quang Tri is home to 72 military cemeteries, including two national ones named Truong Son National Martyr Cemetery and Road 9 National Martyr Cemetery, accommodating more than 54,000 martyrs. Every year in the seventh month of the Lunar New Year, thousands of people from all parts of Vietnam come to pay tribute to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives the national independence.

In this regard, Quang Tri has enough resources for pilgrimages of domestic people and military soldiers, and foreign tourists coming to Quang Tri. They will understand the desire for a normal life, the aspiration for peace, and respect the value of peace.

To make goals possible, local agencies, especially the culture sector needs to preserve and promote historical relics, connecting them with tourist attractions to make them better exploited. So far, the “War Memory – Peace Aspiration”, “Remembering the Old Battles and Comrades”, and “Legendary Ho Chi Minh Trail”, among others have become favorite tours.

A relic that should be restored is Doc Mieu – Con Tien with McNamara Line. Developed by a group of 47 American scientists sitting roughly along the 17th Parallel in 1966-1968, it was an ambitious attempt by the US to prevent North Vietnamese infiltration into South Vietnam and Laos across the demilitarized zone (DMZ). The line, which was believed to be untouchable was then destroyed by Vietnamese.

Other efforts should be made to improve services in tourist attractions to meet the demand, with a focus on local cultural specialties and agricultural products like pepper, coffee, and OCOP (One Commune, One Product) items. At the same time, it should combine different tourist services that tap the potential of eco-tourism, culture, customs, sea, and regional places in the national and international economic corridors.

Another key point is to develop maritime tourism with significant investment in Cua Tung – Cua Viet – Con Co Island triangle tourist site coupled with coastal urban areas. In addition, other tours should be promoted namely La Vang Pilgrimage Center, Tinh Quang Communal House, and tours to Quang Tri’s Western mountainous areas. Obviously, Quang Tri has enough potential to develop tourism with famous destinations spanning across the province. It requires proper plans and manpower to exploit its strengths to both ensure tourism development and environmental protection to make Quang Tri a prominent tourist attraction.

Phuong Minh – Linh Pham

Phuong Minh – Linh Pham

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