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Story of an Indian man with love for Quang Tri

Rahul Kumar, 30, an Indian man has been familiar with Yogis in Vietnam’s Central province of Quang Tri thanks to his expertise in Yoga which has helped locals lead a healthy life and peacefulness.

Story of an Indian man with love for Quang Tri

Rahul Kumar and his Yoga learners on a beach in Quang Tri. Photos: Q.H

The image of a man who has been practicing Yoga daily is close to many residents who also find that his lessons are very helpful. “Yoga for me is similar to eating rice and drinking water. I work on finding happiness and peace in my heart as well as for my health,” Kumar shared.

Born and raised in a happy family in Jamshedpur, the largest and most populous city in Jharkhand state, India, Kumar’s childhood dream is to become a Yoga expert unlike a stable job as his parent expected to be. The practice that was believed to be originated in “|the ancient Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India dated back about 5,000 years.”

Everyone in our nation, from the young to the elderly, is familiar with this sport. It is compared to the “golden key” that unlocks the door to joy, serenity, and peace. I have enjoyed practicing yoga ever since I was a young child. “I want to hold this golden key and have the chance to share it with others,” Kumar stated.

Rahul Kumar started studying yoga methodically at the age of 18 after feeling a deep urge to do so. Rahul became more and more aware as he studied. Most people devote a lot of time to performing yoga asanas. Some people set themselves the goal of mastering challenging movements. They are unaware that yoga combines the mind and the body. Many people who practice yoga incorrectly do not experience the desired results and may even sustain injuries. That is what has Rahul genuinely worried.

Rahul Kumar decided on yoga as his path forward and committed himself to serious study and practice. Accordingly, he sought out the best professors. Kumar's memory of the dense textbooks became ingrained over time. Rahul Kumar asked his teacher to assist him in the classroom while he was studying. He was happy at that time because his health and spirit had greatly improved. He studied for seven years for the same reason. He declines payment for tutoring because he believed that his salary is primarily comprised of his health and knowledge.

Story of an Indian man with love for Quang Tri

Rahul Kumar instructs a Yogis in practice.

Changing decision

Yoga instruction is a well-liked profession in India. The city of Jamshepur, where Rahul Kumar was born and raised, has a sizable population of people who work in this field. Rahul was still able to find a place because of his dedication to his studies, cultivation, and talent. In his early years, he was seen as successful because he had a rewarding job that paid well. He can support his parents and siblings in addition to taking care of himself.

Rahul Kumar works and lives in the nation that is known as the “cradle of yoga,” but what makes him unique is his constant desire to learn new things. He has visited numerous nations, including Vietnam. When he visited Vietnam in 2018, locals often engage in conversation and make friends with him when people learn that he taught yoga. Kumar was quite astonished and delighted by that. He had an incredible experience in Vietnam with other Yoga enthusiasts. From this point on, Vietnam is the calling on his heart.

His decision later shocked many who hardly believed that he quitted a good job in India to work in Vietnam which is nearly 5,300km away from India. Repeated advice to think back sometimes disheartened him but the worries disappeared when he visited Vietnam again. “When I arrived in Vietnam, I observed that all barriers and distances had been eliminated. I believe the locals require my presence. So I choose to stay.”

Chance to be attached to Quang Tri

For Quang Tri, Rahul experienced a sense of connection the moment he stepped foot in this place. He received warm handshakes and smiles from everyone. They view him as a teacher rather than a yoga instructor. Rahul swiftly made the decision to join the Fitness & Yoga Center in Dong Ha City. With the Indian man, a new journey began.

Many guests who attended the International Yoga Day Celebration event held by the Indian Embassy in collaboration with Quang Tri Province were struck by the foreign instructor's deep eyes and soft smile. He joyfully teaches Yoga enthusiasts how to make the mind, breath, and movement synchronize despite the language barrier. That coach is none other than Rahul Kumar.

It was suggested to Kumar that he avoid Quang Tri because there isn't a large yoga-loving population there.

That is another justification for Rahul“s invitation to visit Quang Tri. In a still challenging land, he wants to sow good seeds. He said he formally became a yoga expert in Quang Tri on November 19, 2022. “The next day is Vietnam Teachers” Day. I was shocked when people referred to me as a teacher. Yoga teachers are highly respected here. I therefore reminded myself that I am accountable for that regard,” he recalled.

He immediately adjusted to his new living situation. He gives each student undivided attention and care. He said he’s overjoyed to see how much everyone enjoys yoga.

Many people agree that yoga helps them feel healthy, reduce their stress, and live happier lives. As word of the good news spread, more and more students visited Rahul. That serves as the Indian coach's spiritual cure as well.

Living abroad presents a significant barrier for many people, but Rahul Kumar finds it to be an opportunity. He observed that everything was running quite easily and nicely. The Indian coach claimed that despite being separated from his parents and two younger brothers, he is still close to many other family members, including acquaintances who work at the same center, learners, and neighbors. As a result, he always puts in a lot of time. He adores Quang Tri and regards it as his second home.

Truong Quang Hiep – Linh Pham

Truong Quang Hiep – Linh Pham

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