Update:  GMT+7

Quang Tri helps improve local fishermen’s resilience at sea

"Despite encountering difficulties at sea, thanks to the timely assistance from the fishing vessel QT 93979 TS of the Provincial Militia Maritime Team, our vessel quickly stabilized the situation, overcoming immediate challenges to resume fishing activities. We deeply appreciate and express gratitude for the sense of responsibility and prompt handling of the situation by the officers and soldiers of the maritime team."

Quang Tri helps improve local fishermen’s resilience at sea

The vessel QT 93979 TS of the Provincial Military Maritime Militia in Quang Tri promptly responded to fishermen facing difficulties at sea. Photo: K.Q

Sharing his experience, Tran Van Tien, owner of the fishing boat from Thua Thien Hue province with the registration number TTH 99999 TS, recounted the incident at sea and the timely assistance received from the Quang Tri provincial militia maritime team.

On the last day of the year, as the northeast monsoon winds and drizzles arrived, the sea militia vessel QT 93979 TS of the Quang Tri provincial militia left Cua Viet port for the open sea. Led by Captain Phan Dinh Hung, the vessel had the task of closely accompanying fishermen at sea, exploiting marine resources efficiently, and providing support in case of emergencies.

In the early morning of December 11, 2023, the crew received orders to proceed to the East-Northeast position, 35 nautical miles from Cua Viet, to approach the fishing boat with the registration number TTH 99999 TS, which had encountered a collision with a foreign fishing vessel. Recognizing the importance of the mission and its urgency, as a delayed rescue could seriously affect the lives and property of fishermen, the sea militia vessel promptly reached the scene after battling rough waves and strong winds for 12 hours.

Under the direct guidance of the experienced captain, Captain Phan Dinh Hung, the QT 93979 TS vessel arrived at the scene, approaching the distressed fishing boat. They reassured the crew and provided health care, stabilizing their mental state. It was reported that Tran Van Tien’s fishing boat, with nine crew members, had collided with a foreign fishing vessel while operating in the area, resulting in damage to the boat’s cabin, broken guardrails, and navigation lights.

After assessing the situation, the militia officers and soldiers conducted thorough technical checks and ensured the safety parameters of the boat. They explained and reassured the fishermen, encouraging them to continue their fishing activities at sea. Additionally, the militia provided rice, instant noodles, and drinking water to support the fishermen in maintaining their traditional fishing grounds.

Captain Phan Dinh Hung, commander of the QT 93979 TS vessel, stated, "As a maritime force of the provincial militia, we always recognize our responsibilities and are ready to rescue and assist fishermen in case of sea incidents. The maritime profession is indeed challenging, often facing adverse weather conditions and foreign vessels operating in our exclusive economic zone."

Despite the difficulties, the sea militia is actively involved in disseminating information, urging foreign vessels operating illegally in Vietnamese waters to adhere to the 1982 International Law of the Sea and Vietnam’s Law of the Sea in 2012. They also collaborate closely with law enforcement agencies, and fisheries management, ensuring the protection of marine resources for effective exploitation by local fishermen.

With a coastline of nearly 75 km, Quang Tri possesses a diverse marine ecosystem and extensive fishing grounds with abundant seafood resources. Hundreds of vessels, including those from neighboring provinces, operate daily for fishing activities.

Since its establishment, the provincial militia’s sea force has been accompanying and supporting fishermen, providing them with legal knowledge about maritime sovereignty and island ownership, enabling them to operate confidently at sea. Furthermore, they are ready to confront any violations of maritime sovereignty by foreign vessels, contributing significantly alongside other forces to safeguard the sovereignty of the homeland’s sea and islands.

In 2023, following the provincial military command’s plan, the provincial militia’s sea force effectively maintained operations with five alternating vessels participating in missions at sea. To enhance management efficiency and successfully fulfill assigned tasks, the sea militia actively coordinated and reinforced forces and means for the 161st Regiment, the Command of Naval Region 3, participating in 17 combat-ready patrols at sea.

Throughout the mission, with the current vessel structure, the organization ensured absolute safety in terms of personnel and equipped weapons, aiding other forces in observing and surveilling the situation in the air and at sea. They promptly detected foreign vessels' illegal activities, providing legal support to reassure fishermen operating at sea.

During the year, the unit observed and identified 122 instances of foreign fishing vessels, 390 instances of transport vessels, 199 instances of fishing boats, and 37 instances of oil transport vessels. They also chased away 81 foreign vessels engaged in illegal fishing activities in Vietnam’s waters.

With close coordination and timely support from border forces, the navy, fisheries management, and maritime police, the provincial militia’s sea force in Quang Tri effectively carried out propaganda and mobilization work. They encouraged local fishermen to comply with local regulations, state laws, and international laws while participating in lawful fishing activities at sea. They actively monitored and handled violations, providing timely support to reassure fishermen in their legal fishing activities at sea.

"We are always ready to accompany fishermen on every journey, providing them with confidence in law enforcement agencies at sea, allowing them to fish at sea with confidence, bringing economic prosperity to their families and hometowns. We also contribute alongside other forces to firmly defend the sovereignty of the homeland’s sea and islands," shared Tran Van Hai Linh, the commander of the provincial militia’s sea force.

In order to strengthen and support fishermen in their offshore and coastal activities, the Quang Tri Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Border Guard Command, and the People’s Committees of coastal districts have provided guidance to fishermen on Vietnam’s maritime sovereignty. They have also increased monitoring of fishing activities, implemented strict management of the entry and exit of fishing vessels, and encouraged fishermen to play a role in cooperative groups and teams at sea.

Lieutenant Le Binh An, Political Officer of Coast Guard Unit 2, emphasized, "To provide timely support and enhance the confidence of fishermen in their offshore activities, our unit has actively collaborated and advised local authorities to establish safety boat teams and teams for self-management of security and order. We have mobilized the local population to strictly comply with fishing regulations at sea, avoiding encroachment into foreign waters. We encourage fishermen to regularly provide timely information about the maritime situation to border forces and other relevant authorities. Additionally, our unit conducts regular patrols and controls at sea, supporting legal activities for fishermen in the maritime areas."

Currently, Quang Tri province has 2,286 fishing vessels, including over 110 self-managed boat teams. Leveraging the effectiveness of the self-management model, these teams have contributed to boosting the confidence and peace of mind of fishermen during their fishing expeditions. Furthermore, they play a crucial role in safeguarding traditional fishing grounds and maintaining the maritime security and order of the homeland.

Kim Quy - Ngoc Mai

Kim Quy - Ngoc Mai

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