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Quang Tri responds to the campaign to make the world cleaner

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has launched the Campaign to Make the World Cleaner in 2023, with the theme “Joining hands to act for a cleaner world”.

Quang Tri responds to the campaign to make the world cleaner

Media banner about the Make the world cleaner 2022 Campaign: Taking action to change the world - Photo: T.L

Initiated by Australia, this campaign has been launched globally by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) since 1993 to raise public awareness about environmental protection, encourage community activities for the environment, and boost a green and circular economy worldwide.

For Vietnam, this campaign is a sincere pledge to the international community regarding environmental protection and adaptation to climate change.

Local agencies have proactively responded to this campaign and spread it to the community by launching many activities, including cleaning and improving the environment in urban areas, residential and neighboring areas.

Functional forces deployed activities to clean beaches and the coastal regions, focusing on collecting non-degradable plastic waste and transporting it to places for recycling and treatment according to regulations.

Quang Tri has actively responded to this campaign and organized many key activities to protect the environment in recent years. Via building models of collecting, classifying, and treating household waste at source, local authorities have attracted the participation of many rural population clusters, making a significant change in protecting the environment.

In 2023, the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment coordinated with the local Women’s Union to host the contest “Quang Tri women protect the environment, join hands to build new rural areas” to propagate and raise awareness of individuals and households in environmental protection, creating a premise for the development of one of the vital force in environmental protection and new rural construction.

The contest attracts the active participation of various agencies, closely linked with other activities to become a series of events responding to the campaign of UNEP to make the world cleaner in 2023.

Next time, to make the campaign effective and easy to integrate into daily life, the community must promote propaganda to raise people’s awareness and responsibility in protecting the environment. At the same time, households need to classify waste at source, minimize waste generation and increase reuse and recycling of waste.

Local authorities need to strengthen the integration of environmental protection education content into teaching programs for students and create a breakthrough in the thinking and awareness of people and businesses about environmental protection, helping them live in harmony with nature and the environment.

To attract the participation of many groups, agencies need to strengthen further campaigns related to the green economy, circular economy, and environmental activities and renew the content and form of communication programs depending on technology platforms and target groups.

Tung Lam- Tan Nguyen

Tung Lam- Tan Nguyen

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