Update:  GMT+7

Quang Tri addresses climate change

Throughout the years, Quang Tri Province has undertaken numerous tangible initiatives, playing a vital role in enhancing the consciousness of state agencies in addressing climate change.

Quang Tri addresses climate change

A launching ceremony in response to the Vietnam Sea and Islands Week, World Oceans Day (June 8, 2023) at Trieu An Commune, Trieu Phong District. Photo: Mai Yen

These efforts have instilled a strong understanding of sustainable resource management, promoting economic efficiency, and fostering the preservation of natural resources and the environment.

Through Plan No. 58/KH - People"s Committee issued on March 17, 2021, the province has outlined three core tasks and solutions, prioritizing seven key areas to bolster the resilience and adaptive capacity of communities, economic sectors, and ecosystems.

The primary goal is to reduce vulnerability and risks to the impacts of climate change. Additionally, this approach seeks to integrate climate change adaptation seamlessly into the provincial socio-economic development strategies, master plans, and overall planning.

To further bolster climate change adaptation efforts, Plan No. 139/KH - People"s Committee, issued on July 14, 2022, effectively implements regulations pertaining to climate change in accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection 2020.

Through these endeavors, Quang Tri Province has actively contributed to enhancing the national legal framework concerning climate change. One of the key focuses lies in propagating, disseminating, educating, and raising awareness about climate change response.

Collaborating with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, the People"s Committees of districts, towns, and cities within the province have organized conferences to educate and inform individuals, organizations, as well as various levels of Party committees and authorities about policies and laws on environmental protection and climate change response.

Additionally, the province conducts annual awareness campaigns on occasions such as World Environment Day, Vietnam Seas and Islands Week, World Oceans Day, World Meteorological Day, and Earth Hour, employing diverse and practical formats to achieve broad outreach. Moreover, Quang Tri has dedicated efforts to reinforce resilience and enhance the adaptive capacity of communities, economic sectors, and ecosystems.

This is evidenced by the implementation of a master plan concerning the management, utilization, and protection of underground water resources in the plains of the province. Furthermore, the province is actively developing a planning task for the Ben Hai and Thach Han River basins, signifying its commitment to sustainable water resource management.

The Provincial People"s Committee has taken significant measures to address underground water exploitation in Quang Tri.

The province approved a list of restricted areas for underground water exploitation and established a registration system for such activities. Units engaged in water resource exploitation are required to install, manage, and operate monitoring equipment by regulations. Additionally, they must directly connect and transmit data to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, ensuring proper oversight and management of water resources.

In the agricultural sector, the province has proactively undertaken climate change adaptation activities. This includes transforming crop structures and adopting scientific and technological advancements in production. The province is also investing in research to select and create new plant and animal varieties capable of withstanding climate change. High technology applications and the development of organic agriculture further contribute to building a synchronized and sustainable agricultural economic ecosystem.

Aquaculture, especially shrimp farming on sand, is being promoted and diversified alongside improved management and planning of farming areas. The province places great emphasis on forest protection, development, and biodiversity conservation. It continuously strives to enhance the quality of forest resource management, protection, and sustainable utilization. Initiatives aimed at conserving biodiversity further strengthen their commitment to environmental preservation.

To combat the impact of floods and natural disasters, the Provincial People"s Committee focuses on upgrading, renovating, and constructing road and waterway traffic infrastructure in flood-prone areas.

The province implements flood control solutions for urban areas and regularly reviews and updates construction regulations and technical standards, considering the effects of climate change. Investments in rescue and evacuation infrastructure have supported migration plans during emergencies.

Additionally, projects for dredging channels at Cua Viet and Cua Tung ports are actively pursued. The province is also dedicated to improving urban infrastructure while prioritizing green growth to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. By doing so, it aims to create a sustainable living environment for urban residents.

With financial support from the French Development Agency, Quang Tri is currently executing the “Development of Central Coastal Cities towards Green Growth and Response to Climate Change in Dong Ha City” project.

A significant portion of the investment is directed toward constructing and improving infrastructure systems, such as river embankments, drainage works, and roads connecting different areas. The aim is to enhance community resilience and reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. Furthermore, the project focuses on strengthening the health system by modernizing equipment and improving the capacity of health workers, better preparing them to handle climate-related challenges.

Capacity building for vulnerable groups is another crucial aspect of the project. Quang Tri province has implemented community models featuring numerous initiatives and solutions to promote disaster prevention and responses to climate change impacts. To improve resilience against climate change, special attention is given to the maintenance, conservation, and upgrading of infrastructure systems, as well as historical and cultural monuments. Disaster risk reduction and preparedness for natural disasters and extreme climate events caused by climate change are key components of the project.

To achieve this, the province has improved monitoring of climate change and hydro-meteorological conditions, enhancing forecasting and warning systems. Additionally, disseminating information about natural disasters and extreme climate events is a priority.

In 2022, Quang Tri Province completed the construction of a local climate change database and actively supported state agencies in managing, monitoring, and evaluating climate change-related initiatives. The province also proactively proposed solutions to adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Ensuring the safety of irrigation and disaster prevention works is a major focus, with substantial investments directed toward upgrading agricultural and rural infrastructure to cope with natural disasters in the context of climate change.

Ngoc Mai - Hai An

Ngoc Mai - Hai An

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