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Thuong Nghia Village – A part of Quang Tri’s proud history

In the northeastern vicinity of Dong Ha City lies an enduring ancient village situated in a serene rural landscape, etched into the annals of history. This is none other than Thuong Nghia village, where the majority of its inhabitants now reside in Quarter 4 of Dong Giang Ward.

Thuong Nghia Village – A part of Quang Tri’s proud history

Thuong Nghia’s entry gate. Photo: P.X.D

Presently, the village is home to roughly 160 households, encompassing approximately 660 individuals. Thuong Nghia stands as one of Quang Tri’s venerable villages, characterized by a rich and extensive history spanning numerous generations, contributing significantly to the cultural heritage and ethos of this region.

An article in a local magazine discusses the historical significance of Quang Tri communes, drawing from “O Chau Can Luc” by Duong Van An and “Phu Bien Tap Luc” by Le Quy Don. According to these sources, in the mid-16th century, Vo Xuong District comprised 59 communes and villages. Notable among these were Huong Ngao (later changed to Dieu Ngao), Ha Do, and Thuong Do (later changed to Thuong Nghia) in Dong Ha.

During the Nguyen Lords' rule in Dong Ha, as documented by Le Quy Don, the region was part of An Don and An Lac cantons within Dang Xuong District, Thuan Hoa Province.

An Don Canton included communes and wards such as Vinh Phuc (Vinh Phuoc), Lai Phuc (Lai Phuoc), Van An, Dai Ang, Trung Chi, Lap Thach, Phu An, Lang Phuc, Dieu Ngao, Dong Ha, Lien Tri (Tay Tri), Dong Vu (Dong Lai), and Thuong Do (Thuong Nghia). The communes and wards currently belonging to An Lac Canton in Thanh Hoa District at the time encompassed An Lac, Nghia An, Dai Do, Thuong Do, Dinh To, Dong Lai, and Thuong Nghia.

The communal house in Thuong Nghia village, with its unique architectural features, reflects the migration of Northern Vietnamese residents to the South during the early days of mountain exploration. It has a significant spiritual and historical value, serving as a cherished place for generations to honor their roots, ancestors, and those who contributed to the village and the country. The values of compassion and kindness, encapsulated in the name “Thuong Nghia,” endure and thrive in today’s life.

Over time, Thuong Nghia has witnessed a steady influx of settlers who initially explored, and then cultivated the land. Notable families like the Hoang family and the Hoang family temple house played a significant role in the area’s history. The Hoang family temple house even saw the establishment of the first Party cell in the Dong Giang area on October 2, 1945, shortly after the August Revolution’s success. It has since been recognized as a historical relic by the State.

Over time and amidst the backdrop of historical transformations, Thuong Nghia has recently evolved into a suburban district of Dong Ha City, experiencing numerous positive developments as it steadily advances on its path of growth. Naturally, as is often the case in the progress of rural areas, alongside opportunities, it becomes essential to acknowledge and surmount the challenges and difficulties that inevitably arise in order to move forward.

This locality has garnered the attention of local authorities looking to foster the development of Dong Ha’s suburban wards. The aim is to ensure that this expansion follows the right trajectory, ultimately playing a pivotal role in reshaping the urban landscape of Quang Tri Province’s capital city. Nguyen Van Kiet, Secretary and Chairman of the Dong Giang Ward People’s Committee, has articulated this transformation.

“Thuong Nghia’s has shown great efforts in bolstering its economy, particularly through peri-urban agriculture, thereby contributing to the overall progress and prosperity of the province,” he said.

The ongoing innovations and efforts in a region steeped in tradition like Thuong Nghia reflect a collective commitment to creating a more attractive and sustainable living environment. This endeavor honors the aspirations of both the ancestors who came before and the present-day generations.

Ngoc Mai - Pham Xuan Dung

Ngoc Mai - Pham Xuan Dung

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