Update:  GMT+7

Quang Tri works with World Bank on Cam Lo - Lao Bao Expressway Project

Chairman of the Quang Tri Provincial People’s Committee Vo Van Hung on November 28 worked with representatives of the World Bank (WB), led by senior transportation expert Shige Sakaki, on Cam Lo - Lao Bao expressway project.

Quang Tri works with World Bank on Cam Lo - Lao Bao Expressway ProjectChairman of the Quang Tri Provincial People's Committee Vo Van Hung want the Word Bank to accelerate capital investment for this project to facilitate the process. Photo: T.T

Vo Van Hung said Quang Tri is located at a strategic position of geopolitical and economic importance, being the intersection of the North - South and East - West economic corridors. It helps the province strengthen economic cooperation with neighboring countries and regions.

For that reason, Quang Tri is estimated to gain a high increase in export and import in the period 2021 - 2025 and by 2030.

The province is also aiming to implement two major projects, My Thuy Seaport and Quang Tri Airport, in the coming time.

Hung hoped that the World Bank will support investment capital for the Cam Lo - Lao Bao Expressway Project to boost trade and strengthen the connection of many countries in the area.Speaking at the event, Shige Sakaki said that transport infrastructure development is one of 7 key areas under the WB’s loans to Vietnam. Shige Sakaki hopes that the two sides will continue to cooperate in this new project.

According to the Transport Engineering Design Incorporated - JSC (TEDI), the Cam Lo - Lao Bao Expressway Project begins at the intersection with the Cam Lo - La Son Expressway and ends at Lao Bao International Border Gate, Huong Hoa District, with an estimated length of about 56 km.

When being completed, this route will become a bridge to connect Vietnam with Laos, Thailand, Myanmar and other countries, facilitating transactions in the East Sea. Furthermore, due to its proximity to Highway 9, the section from Cam Lo to Lao Bao International Border Gate, connecting Dong Ha City with mountainous districts such as Dakrong, Huong Hoa, Lao Bao and La Lay international border gates, this project will promote links to remote areas.

The project is expected to be built in the form of public-private partnership (PPP).At the meeting, the two sides focused on ongoing pre-feasibility studies, including technical design, financial issues, impacts on society and the environment.

Accordingly, Quang Tri continues to implement many further steps, such as reporting to the Prime Minister and submitting to the Central Interdisciplinary Appraisal Council for consideration. At the same time, the provincial leaders want the WB to accelerate capital investment for this project to facilitate the process.

Previously, the WB working group went on a field trip to the Cam Lo - Lao Bao expressway.

Thanh Truc- Tung Lam

Thanh Truc- Tung Lam

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